5 Healthy Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

5 Healthy Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

August 07, 2019

Believe me when I say that your health is directly tied to your ability to be successful both mentally and physically. Several years into running my first online business, I noticed I was extremely tired and fatigued. I went to the doctor and told them I just didn't feel right, I was tired, had lost my voice and seemed to constantly be sick. I was under a great deal of stress at the time so the doctor just assumed I was under the weather and everything would be fine. More weeks passed and I noticed my vision was blurred and I had started to feel tingling in my arms and legs. The tingling would get worse as my stress levels increased. I went back for more tests and discovered that I had Mono. I was relieved to know that there was a reason I had not been feeling well. The only problem was that I couldn't seem to feel better. It wasn't until I ended up at the neurologist for more tests, that I realized something had to change. It was my stress that was keeping me from getting healthy. Since that point, I have tried to make my health both mentally and physically my number one priority.

In order to be successful as a business owner, you must take care of yourself first. I have found that these 5 healthy habits can be extremely important in becoming successful. 

1. Start Your Day with Exercise

Running a business can be stressful and most times you feel like there is not enough time in the day. So why would you have time to exercise? Believe me when I say you don't have time to not exercise. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, take care of your body and clear your mind. Doing this first thing in the morning will get you ready to tackle your day like a boss! I personally LOVE Burn Bootcamp and faithfully go there to get a killer workout. You may have one in your city or you can get out of the house and go for a run or walk to get your exercise in. 


2. Eat Whole Foods

You are what you eat, seriously! I know it is hard when you are working all day and stressed to the max but eating clean whole foods will give your body the vitamins and energy that it needs to keep you going. I'm the worst when it comes to making food choices after a long hard day at work so trust me when I say you have to plan ahead. Sunday make a list of what you are going to eat for your weekly dinners. Make sure you go to the store and stay on the outside aisles so you can stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure you have healthy snack options and meal prep if you need to make sure you have healthy meals planned for the week.  The best way to make the best business decisions is to make sure your mind and body are nourished with clean foods. 

3. Get at Least 8 Hours of Sleep Every Night 

 I literally can not operate on less than 8 hours of sleep. Getting adequate sleep gives your body time to recover so you can be rested and relaxed and ready to take on the new day. Get a good bedtime routine by setting a time every night that you will go to bed. Put down your phone and rest! If you are one of those entrepreneurs that can never turn their mind off, I have a trick for you. Put a notepad next to your bed. Before you go to sleep write down anything that is on your mind, that way you can get it on a list that you can conquer the next day when you wake up. 

4. Set Specific Times to Check E-mail and Social Media

If you want to stay on task and be more productive, you have to treat e-mail and social media like they are a part of your schedule. With phones and watches always dinging, you can easily be taken off task and sucked into the never-ending world of social media. Even those of us with the best intentions pop on to check something really quick and the next thing you know we are watching some video about how to make a unicorn birthday cake. I know, it can happen to the best of us. Make a list and stick to it. Tackle the items on your daily to-do list and save more time by only checking your email three times a day. Stay off social media while working on a project and schedule time you need to be on social media to take care of business. This one habit will save you hundreds of hours of productivity that could otherwise be lost to funny puppy videos and viral recipes that you know you will never actually make. 

5. Take Vacations...Yes Take Vacations

Taking a vacation can be one of the most rewarding things about owning your own business. Right? Most of us want to own our own businesses so we can make our own schedules. I totally feel you because I wanted the same thing....but then I got so busy with my business that I hated taking vacations. It seemed like I could never get away...and that is a problem. So, take vacations. Rest your mind, body, and soul and connect with your family or friends. You will find that doing so will help you become more inspired and ready to conquer the world when you get back.  

I hope you found these habits enlighting and maybe you are already doing some of them. It's always good to refocus and make sure you are doing everything in your power to help yourself become the best version of you. Following these 5 healthy habits will surely help you become a more successful entrepreneur and a healthy business owner. 

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